To all of our loyal readers, Kids Are Dramatic has moved its blog website to WordPress. Our new web address is We hope that you will make this move with us to this new and improved website! You will find all of our previously posted articles on this new blog, and they are even categorized by topic!
Happy reading!
KAD Founder

This blog functions as Kids Are Dramatic's academic apparatus. As this organization is rooted in research and development of arts education, writings shall be dedicated to compiling relevant data, literature, and models that serve to enhance an academic community's understanding of emotional cognition, the mission behind Kids Are Dramatic.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Monday, July 15, 2013
and Reason: Why Education Needs Both~
Traditionally, emotion and reason are seen as polar
opposites of each other. Emotionality is relegated to the realm of touchy feely
love poems and diary entries, while rationality is the solid stuff of science
and smart business investments. Common sense tells us emotion should be
suspended when making rational decisions, that passion clouds judgment. To us, emotion
and reason are distinct entities, and they do not play well together. They work
in different ways, they accomplish different things, and if they do interact,
they only hinder one another.
Or so we once thought.
Recently, however, research is beginning to uncover a
startling finding: this dichotomy between passion and reason, between
emotionality and rationality, may not be that clear cut after all. There is, as
identified by many researchers, a rational
component to emotional information processing, just as there is an emotional contribution to cognitive
mechanisms (Pessoa, 2009; Salovey & Mayer, 1990). That is to say, not only
do emotion and reason interact, they are also interdependent.
In fact, higher cognitive functioning would be impossible without
both. Processes such as decision-making and social interaction require input
from both the emotional and the rational side of the human psyche. Yet, when it
comes to education, schools have traditionally emphasized only the rational. We
heavily train our students in the core skills of reading, writing, and
mathematics, while disregarding their social and emotional needs. However, we
cannot afford to overlook the critical role emotion plays in academic success
and healthy personal development. So let us consider, then, how emotion impacts
our “rational” cognitive processes with a view toward how we can improve the
education of our children.
The Role of Emotion
in Cognition
What we think of as cognition—the mental processes
responsible for things like attention, learning, memory, and problem solving—is
not wholly independent from our feelings and instincts. A growing body of
scientific evidence lends support to a whole new model of the human mind, a
model emphasizing the role emotion plays in cognitive processes (Pessoa, 2009).
Perception and attention are greatly enhanced by emotion.
Happy or angry faces are detected much faster in a visual search task than
neutral faces (Eastwood et al., 2001), and people are much better at detecting
emotionally-laden words, such as rape,
than they are at detecting neutral ones (Anderson, 2005). However, patients
with lesions in the amygdala, a region of the brain responsible for processing
emotional reactions, do not exhibit this same improved rate of detection
(Anderson & Phelps, 2001).
These findings all seem to suggest that we are more attentive
to emotional stimuli. In other words, we do not divide our attention equally
among all objects in our environment. Rather, our supposedly “rational”
cognitive system seems to have a marked preference for emotional qualities.
Similarly, people are also better at remembering emotional
events or information as opposed to neutral ones. Recall for both film clips
(Cahill et al., 1996) and pictures (Bradley et al., 1992) proved to be better
for emotionally arousing stimuli than for their neutral counterparts.
To use a more relevant set of examples, consider how
emotionally intense experiences often seem to be burned into memory. Most
people can remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they
first heard about major historical events, such as JFK’s assassination or
September 11th. Why? In part, because these are also extremely
emotional events.
This same principle applies to personal life experiences.
Events such as car crashes or weddings tend to be particularly memorable, while
psychiatric conditions such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occur
precisely because patients cannot forget
exceptionally intense, traumatic emotional experiences. Once again, we see that
emotion greatly impacts seemingly straightforward cognitive processes. What we
remember and how well we remember it are dependent, in part, on our emotional
Finally, in an interesting case study, Antonio Damasio (1994)
documented the vital role emotion plays in decision-making. One of Damasio’s
patients had suffered a brain injury that left him perfectly functional except
that he could not experience emotion.
One day, when asked to choose between two possible dates to
schedule his next appointment, the patient proceeded to list the pros and cons
of each date for over half an hour, but he could not come to a decision. His
inability to make such a simple choice was not due to any deficit in his
ability to reason—he performed higher than average on intelligence tests and he
proved his ability to rationalize the pros and cons of each date—but rather,
his inability to make decisions stemmed from an emotional deficit.
Because he could not experience emotion, both dates felt the same to him. That is, if he
chose the first date for the appointment, he might have to reschedule lunch
with a friend. If he chose the second date, he might have to get up earlier
than usual. However, rescheduling lunch did not feel any better or worse than having to get up early, and so he
could not decide which option he preferred.
In this sense, we see that emotion assigns value to the
different alternatives we must choose between when making a decision. Indeed, emotion
is so critical to the decision-making process that a deficit in emotion renders
us incapable of making any decision at all.
This body of research demonstrates that cognitive processes
such as attention, memory, and decision-making are not independent from
emotional processes. Rather, emotion informs cognition, such that if we want to
better understand how we think, we must also consider how we feel.
What This Means for
The research presented above clearly indicates that emotion
plays a critical role in cognition. The key issue, then, is how this research
applies to the current education system. Schools emphasize a core academic
curriculum that does little to address the social and emotional needs of their
students. However, schools cannot expect students to master these core academic
areas if they do not first teach students how to effectively manage these
emotional forces.
Namely, if schools care so much about developing certain
cognitive abilities (such as attention and memory and decision-making), and if
emotion plays such an important role in these same areas of cognition, then why
is emotion being ignored? Why are students not being educated emotionally as
well as academically?
From test anxiety to the boredom of an interminable history
lecture to the frustration of algebra, emotions play a central role in
students’ daily classroom experiences. They greatly affect students’ ability to
learn, and thus, they cannot go unacknowledged. How can educators expect
students to concentrate on their work when they are too preoccupied with parents
fighting at home or kids picking on them at school? Shouldn’t these emotional
factors not only be taken into consideration, but also given priority?
Indeed, students primarily drop out of school not because of
academic reasons, but because of emotional
reasons (Marcus & Sanders-Reio, 2001). Dropouts frequently report that they
do not feel safe at school, they do not fit in socially, they do not feel
attached to their work, and they have not developed strong relationships with
teachers. These feelings of social disconnect and isolation are more important regarding
students’ willingness to continue with school than actual academic achievement.
One would think we should make a serious attempt to address this extremely
important issue.
Approaching the problem from a different angle, emotions can
also be hugely beneficial by positively contributing to education. They serve
as important motivating forces, such as the proverbial “love of learning”
teachers so often strive to instill in their pupils. Schools should foster
environments where students develop a sense of pride in their work and are
intrinsically motivated to succeed. By focusing on these positive benefits of
social and emotional learning (SEL), a number of programs have shown huge
success in the past.
In a meta-analysis of 73 SEL programs, Durlak &
Weissberg (2007) found significant improvements in self-confidence,
self-esteem, school bonding, positive social behavior, school grades,
achievement test scores, and reductions in problem behavior and drug use among
the youth these programs served. Focusing specifically on academics, the
programs reported a collective 12% gain in academic achievement—the equivalent
of a whole letter grade.
It is extremely important to note that these are not tutoring programs. They do not help kids with math or
writing. They do not touch their homework, and yet, they still produced a
massive improvement in their success at school. Why? Because emotional
competency is, in fact, hugely important for academic achievement. Indeed, that
12% difference can be interpreted as the price students pay when their
emotional needs go unmet.
Yet, as important as this emotional competency is to healthy
child development, children today are increasingly faced with a limited
opportunity to acquire these all-important emotional skills. Usually, kids
learn most of what they know about emotional regulation and appropriate social
interaction from their parents, as the home environment is critical to teaching
kids emotional literacy. However, not all kids have such a place where they can
learn these skills. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds, such as those who are
raised by only one parent or whose parents work multiple jobs, do not have the
same opportunities to pick up important social skills.
So if not in school, and if not at home, then where will
they find the help they need?
To this end, Kids Are Dramatic is staging an intervention in
the local Colorado Springs school system. KAD recognizes the critical role
emotion plays in the inward personal development and outward social integration
of youth in our community. As such, we believe there should be more to
education than merely addressing traditional academic subjects, such as reading,
writing, mathematics, and the like. We believe students have immediate
emotional and social needs as well, and that these needs are just as relevant
to students’ overall success and personal well-being. KAD strives to address
this problem by applying a wholly unique approach—that of theater. Theater
promises to be a powerful tool for developing students’ emotional literacy and
improving youth behavior.
So rather than suppressing or ignoring all
together the role emotion plays in the very cognitive skills we seek to foster
through education, perhaps it is best we take a step back and contemplate a
different viewpoint. Let us consider educating our children not only
academically, but emotionally as well. As the Dalai Lama once said, “It
is vital that when educating our children’s brains, we do not neglect to
educate their hearts.”
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Metacognition and Emotional Intelligence in Drama
As a varsity diver in college, I have often been
asked about the subjective nature of scoring in the sport, and whether this has
a large influence over who wins and loses in a diving meet. Generally, I
respond by saying that there is usually an observable consistency between judges
scoring each dive. The crowd members and other observers of the meet usually
agree with the scores thrown by judges, and the subjective nature of judging
does not play a highly influential role in changing how contestants place
within a meet. Likewise, one might ask how a drama class can become stratified
by skill level, and whether a teacher is justified in any objective sense in
dividing up a drama class based on skill level. I believe that metacognitive
development provides objectively verifiable grounds for determining the skill
level of drama students, and that the metacognitive development of our students
is integral both to developing our students as individuals and for furthering
their academic success.
Metacognition develops gradually as an individual comes to have greater
conscious control over cognition that monitors, regulates, or reflects on
first-order cognition (Kuhn 2000, 178). Deanna Kuhn differentiates between
declarative knowing ("knowing that") and procedural knowing
("knowing how"). She proposes that the metastrategic cognition of
procedural knowing plays a major role in selecting adequate strategies for
problem-solving while also expelling inadequate strategies. This is important
because it fills the previous gap in Developmentalist psychology of addressing
how change occurs in cognition, and, perhaps more interestingly, why it does
not occur in some situations.
The freedom within a drama program permits students to demonstrate their
understanding of the adequacy of various strategies to problem-solving in a
given situation, as well as their proficiency to monitor and regulate the
influence of outside sources upon their declarative knowledge. Teacher feedback
from strategy employment at the degree of performance occurs at the meta-level;
students in an advanced class, then, should be more willing to adapt to
teaching comments and be able to modify their behavior in class through
strategy training at the advice of an instructor. Since the early 2000s,
metacognitive functions have been investigated in terms of text comprehension,
memory, reasoning, and problem solving (Kuhn 2000, 80). We see a parallel to
the acting world in each case: text comprehension for understanding a written
script; memory to remember lines and character development from other members
of a production as well as logistics of drama production; reasoning to make
quick decisions in how to act onstage; and problem solving for the process of
staging a play through taking directions from a script.
Complex meta-knowing capabilities stand as the end goal in metacognitive
development for Kuhn, which some adults never reach. Meta-level control of both
one's own knowing processes and the knowing processes of others in social
groups are integral to raising one's awareness and becoming reflective upon
their thinking, as well as acknowledging the sources of knowledge that
influence one's thinking. Due to its emphasis on social interaction, a
successful drama class should enhance the meta-cognitive capacity of its
students, and it should give them the creative room to demonstrate their
relative level of meta-cognitive development. In turn, effective drama teachers
should be able to gauge the meta-cognitive development of their students and
assign them new tasks that are adequately difficult for their level of
meta-cognitive development (Vygotsky 1978, 31).
For Lev S. Vygotsky, learning is specific to the elements in a set of tasks
which one is given: Learning is more than the acquisition of the ability to
think; it is the acquisition of many specialized abilities for thinking about a
variety of things. Learning does not alter our overall ability to focus
attention, but rather it develops various abilities to focus attention on a
variety of things. This is due to the fact that each activity depends on the
material with which it operates, and the development of consciousness is the
development of a set of particular, independent capabilities. (1978, 31)
Adhering to
Vygotsky's view might imply that the skills learned in a drama class would only
be extricable to other instances of improvisation games, modeling emotions, and
interacting with the emotions of others -- despite these being no small skills
to learn. Daniel Goleman's book Emotional Intelligence: Why it Can Matter
More Than IQ spurred a worldwide interest in Social and Emotional Learning
(SEL). Throughout the globe, more than ten thousand students currently uphold a
SEL curriculum requirement as an essential skill for living, and it can be
present from kindergarten to the last year of high school (Goleman
"Emotional"). While these curricular goals were originally instated
to solve behavioral problems among students, they have also been shown to boost
the academic performance of students. Likewise, the business world is also
latching onto the necessity of emotional intelligence within the workplace,
which Kids Are Dramatic seeks to develop through students at the middle school
Works Cited
Goleman, Daniel. "Emotional
Intelligence." Daniel Goleman. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2013.
Kuhn, Deanna. "Metacognitive
Development." Current Directions in Psychological Science 9.5
(2000): 178-81. Print.
Vygotsky, Lev S. "Interaction Between Learning
and Development." Readings on the Development of Children (1978):
n. pag. Print.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
~Intrinsic Motivation, Extrinsic Results~
frequently battle issues of motivation and procrastination when it comes to
schoolwork. Schoolchildren report that they have no impetus to get them to care
about their assignments or in-class participation. While “getting good grades”
is the reward for hard work, it is often not reason enough to keep kids engaged
and truly learning. What is lacking is intrinsic motivation. Using other
mechanisms to bribe students into paying attention is not the answer. Students
should want to learn; they should want do their work. However much of a stretch
this may seem, it can be achieved within the classroom walls. It all starts by
presenting the material in an inspiring and relatable way, and then proceeding
by teaching students that they have ownership over their own education while still
pushing them to expand their boundaries. Utilizing many of the integral aspects
of the Constructivist Learning Theory, Kids Are Dramatic boosts intrinsic
motivation and shows students that they are in control of their academic
The Constructivist
Learning Theory coined the idea that the learner constructs knowledge for
himself (or herself) by building a personal schema. This schema is based on the
learner’s individual and socially-based learning of the world around himself or
herself. Some of the ideas included in this theory define learning as an active
process, which takes shape contextually. “We learn in relationship to what else
we know, what we believe, our prejudices and our fears,” not passively accept
“knowledge which exists “out there” but that learning involves the learning’s
engaging with the world (Hein, 1991).” Learners gain knowledge by taking new
information and fitting it into a system of meaning; they also learn by constructing
a system of meaning out of the new information itself. A new skill or concept
is sure to be understood when the learner can transfer that knowledge
into a series of various contexts. The idea of transfer is not new to the world
of education, however ideas of how to approach and incite it are. “For transfer
to happen, research suggests an individual must recognize the wide
applicability of a particular skill, principle, or concept and when a
particular situation calls for the use of them (Kuhn, 1986).” One tactic for
transfer is to ensure that teachers show an eventual implication or connection
of the material outside the classroom. Kids Are Dramatic’s plays, especially
the current production titled The Pinballs, are centered on topics which
are prevalent in our society, yet they do not always find a way into classroom
curriculums (foster care, in this case). Furthermore, transfer is induced by
making students apply their thinking and knowledge into as many contexts as
they can. This is where the art of theatre can be utilized for the act of
transferring. As mentioned in the Theatre is Crucial for Critical Thinking
post, actors and actresses—over the course of being in several productions—are
challenged to consider similar themes and concepts (such as love, heartbreak,
friendship, loss, etc.) through a myriad of different emotions and character
perceptions. This kind of practice helps to form well-rounded schemas, and it also
challenges the students’ perception on how just one situation can be perceived.
While this describes transfer in itself, other skills that must be mastered in
theatre, including comfort on stage, memorization, portrayal of potentially
inexperienced emotions, practice of empathy and teamwork, as well as the art of
acting itself, are all skills that can be utilized in everyday life. In order
for children to make the most out of what they are learning, it is imperative
that they know how what they are
learning is relative to their lives and that they are able to take notice of
its effects. When students become cognizant of transfer occurring within
themselves, and they are aware of utilizing knowledge acquired in school in
outside contexts, they being to see the effects of their hard work coming into
fruition. Making a connection between hard work and positive effects is a realization
which motivates students to look for more ways in which the material they are
already learning can be applied to their daily lives. After all, students are
learning for their own benefit. If they do not realize this, the greatest
wrongdoing is on the part of their educators.
The most important part of the beneficial aspects of
theatre, however, is that the actors and actresses—ordinary students—are able
to connect with their art and their work. This emotional connection creates a
personal drive for students to better themselves, and it directly ties the
effort put in by the individual to his or her work and actions. In experiments
conducted by Karen DeMoss and Terry Morris, it was found that “students took
more responsibility for their learning in their arts units than their non-arts
units…students found the arts to bring enjoyment to their learning irrespective
of their teacher’s personal style” (DeMoss, Morris, 2002). The added pressure
of being on stage for one or two final performances also emphasizes the
importance of enthusiasm, energy, and a direct evaluation of talent. The
findings in the study conducted “suggest that the arts can play a critical role
in the general culture of children’s learning, providing more positive and
meaningful connections with academic work, connections that may have ancillary
effects on long-term motivation” (DeMoss, Morris, 2002). Theatre embodies all
of these aspects as fuel towards students’ intrinsic motivation. Kids Are
Dramatic provides students with a safe environment where they are given freedom
and opportunity to explore and be constructively critiqued to improve their
talents. Because this is an optional, after-school program—though it does
demand responsibility and time once committed—the participating actors and
actresses choose to take ownership of their time and talent. This is an
initial decision, which will prove fruitful in their academic and general
achievements. Self-sufficient, intrinsically motivated learners have always
been the goal for the education system, and the solution is plain as day: show
students how to find these objectives within themselves.
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